
General business cases

Concept to find possible target customer
Starting with the epigenetic concept and its relarted, filtering by country and institute, I identified three clients at Tecnopolo for Arima Genomics.
I managed to secure a meeting with two technicians, presented the company, and they made a purchase after 5 day.
I then contacted the Genomics Facility, which requested a quote for three types of custom Arima kits.
Identify the main tecnique used
At the Mendola IRCCS, after several attempts with different groups, I had yet to make any sales for NGS products.
Therefore, using the institution, text, and author filters, I discovered Dr.Simonetti, new for me, was involved in NGS.
Reviewing author publications, I found the name of another researcher Anna Ferrari, with whom I was already in contact for other products. I reached out to her for
Lexogen and Arima.
She was not interested in Lexogen, not working on RNA this momenent, but was interested in Arima.
I informed her about a grant offered by Arima, assisted her in drafting the project based on the available kits, she also attended a webinar we organized, and next week we will have a Teams meeting with Arima, with Prof. Amadori, the Scientific Director of the Institute, also participating.
Discover new target
Fabio Bondavalli (IZSTO) browsing this author I got he's working on fish species, I proposed all the zebrafish Genetex Ab, and the customer has been very interest.
He was attonish on the information I have on his works and on the possible gene to use; immediatly the customer subscribe to generecommender (free for researcher)