
TheProphetAI Vision
Setting data in good shape is a challenge, especially when data volumes are large, and standards are poor. Companies and individuals who can extract knowledge from data and utilize it have a clear competitive advantage. Applying AI to vertical industries based on sector-specific expertise enables companies to maximize this advantage. Competence is crucial every time.
We aim to develop AI platforms to assist people and businesses, supporting all actors in the Life BioScience field.

Double Hybrid Company

We are a "double hybrid" A.I. company. Combining human expertise with AI solution to enhance results for life science companies.
  • We strive to "read the future" consistently.
  • We need humans to perform (yes also yourself).
Our motto:
"AI without human competence interpreting results is like giving a book to someone who can't read."

GeneRecommender platform, one of TheProphetAI’s most innovative products (2020), was developed within the ARIA project, funded by Regione Lombardia. We have developed an AI-based system to support life science and diagnostic actors in early product development stages. Using advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques, the system improves efficiency and reduces costs. The project led to the creation of the DeepProphet2 algorithm, a significant innovation for researchers in the field.

Regione Lombardia Grant

We had/have c
ollaborations with the University of Messina, MIP-Politecnico di Milano, Università di Milano Bicocca.

TheProphetAI Discover More, explore how A.I. can revolutionize your life bioscience endeavors
TheProphetAI s.r.l. Via Quintiliano 30, 20138 Milano Italy Innovative Start-up
REA number Milano MI-2603438
VAT number 11440630967 SDI T9K4ZHO