Bizcase:Few genes cited in works
Institute: Institution: University of Texas Medical Branch USA
Researcher: Naiyou Liu
Items requested: PPIL4 antibody, SFPQ antibody, SNRPB2 antibody
First of all, it is necessary to understand that the researcher must be a real one, with publications, and he/she is not. Using Biorecommender, we understand this customer last year did not publish, so we've to set the publication date at 2022; of course this is not giving high trust in the recommendation we're going to perform.
From the first part (RESEARCH TREE) we understand the works are focused on LIVER, but in the DISEASE section we can see Hearth Disease, Infection, Glycosylphosphatidylinositol deficiency.
The three antibodies ordered, by the way, are mainly related to cabncer Biomaker. This lower again the probability to get a good recommendation using the cited (and dated) genes by the research; so we will produce a recommendation starting only from the 3 products ordered, it is more trustable.
So from the main screen after have searcher Naiyou Liu, go in the last colum and press "CUSTOMIZE"
From the first part (RESEARCH TREE) we understand the works are focused on LIVER, but in the DISEASE section we can see Hearth Disease, Infection, Glycosylphosphatidylinositol deficiency.
The three antibodies ordered, by the way, are mainly related to cabncer Biomaker. This lower again the probability to get a good recommendation using the cited (and dated) genes by the research; so we will produce a recommendation starting only from the 3 products ordered, it is more trustable.
So from the main screen after have searcher Naiyou Liu, go in the last colum and press "CUSTOMIZE"

delete all genes and diseases (first colums left) to clean the cited genes and insert the three genes ordered.

Start to insert your genes pressing the + button

type the gene symbol and select the right one (in the image below we have already inserted the two genes PPIL4 and SFPQ; SNRPB2 in in selection.

Once selected, press the GREEN + button to validate the gene symbol

Now, on the right you have the new list of gene symbol recommended, based on the 3 genes customer bought.
Please note every time a new gene symbol is added, the gene recommended list change, the neural network based on million of pubblication is working to give you the best probable genes to suggest to customer
Press the big green button OK to have this list into the customer profile.
Once back to the customer profile, you can analyze recommender gene one by one, or produce the report to work offline
Please note every time a new gene symbol is added, the gene recommended list change, the neural network based on million of pubblication is working to give you the best probable genes to suggest to customer
Press the big green button OK to have this list into the customer profile.
Once back to the customer profile, you can analyze recommender gene one by one, or produce the report to work offline