

Business Case

: you are a distributor working in Mexico. You aquired a new company with focus in FlowCitometry.
Second target: Understand who can use CXCR5
Third target: get all citation for Biolegend (www.biolegend.com)
Fouth target: join the all target (using DeepSearch)
Concept Related Works (filters)
flowcitometry result1
I've 10 Insitute and about 50 customers who publish with this concept. Now I've to analize in deep to pay a visit or a call.
Second target CXCR5
Keep the same filter, or change only the date, add to TXT filter the Gene symbol

Biorecommender link
First customer used the gene (with IFNG, IL6, IL12b...) and the recommender genes using the proprietary Neural network are:
IL10 interleukin 10, IL17A interleukin 17A, FOXP forkhead box P3,IL2 interleukin 2, IL7R interleukin 7 receptor, PDCD1 programmed cell death 1, IL2 interleukin 21, TBX21 T-box transcription factor 21, PTPRC, protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type C, NELFCD negative elongation factor complex member C/D
Only to cited the first, IL10 influence the CXCR5 expression !
Third Target, Biolegend customers

Simply change the filter in "Biolegend"
Fourth target (all filters)
All filters (you have to recreate them, but soon it will be automatic) combined, gave 3 papers. It means papers containing FlowCitometry concept, In Mexico, Citing Biolegend, and citing CXCR5 gene symbol

The tabs over the papers now collect all names, Institutions, Other concept, Genes, Diseases, Chemicals, Grants
Use the report function to use your competence now, Trypan Blue has been used, with Fitc.5Cy and AlexaF 647.

Do you need more information to sell your product to these customers?