
Researcher email

By GDPR, listing the email for each researcher is not so clear. By the way we list the university, Institute email Domain. Very soon also in the report.
The suggestion is to understand how email is composed for that spefici university, of course there is a standard for that.
so an example
Researcher Name          University                    Domain    
Luigi Bondurri                University of Milan      unimi.com         
Goggle the university or you already know, for an email of somebody else, you will discover the email is some.bodyother@unimi.it
In excel use =Concatenate
get the name field in the report, eg. cell A3 and =concatenate("A3;"@";"unimi.it) [ Luigi Bondurri@unimi.it ]
Still we have the space with name and surname...
Copy the entire colum of the concatenate, and paste value [ Luigi Bondurri@unimi.it ] (same, but a real cell value)
sobstitute the space with a dot [ Luigi.Bondurri@unimi.it ]
for each line you will obtain the email address.
Very soon in report you will find the domain of institute for each institute in a separate cell, so it will be easy do for each researcher the email composition:
=concatenate("A3;"@";"A4) = [ Luigi Bondurri@unimi.it ]
same procedure for space in dot. [ Luigi.Bondurri@unimi.it ]
you have all the emails