Filter inside Works
When you have
filtered some works using author, concept or institution you have a list of scientific papers in the second column of Biorecommender. Doen't matter where you started from.Now you have several option to fine tune your target:
Filter inside works using the Works-column TXT filter
This is only one filter, and it is free text. If you are looking to a application, gene name, company name or whatelse text, you will filter for what you typed. All data inside the session (all columns will be filtered by the value you inserted in TxT filter (and the report too).
But if you need to filter more? how to do it?
You have to change section inside Biorecommender and open the DeepSearch.
DeepSearch let you customize filters for all Biorecommender items and you can set how many filters you like (e.g. more TXT filter, country, institute or concept... to arrive at the best target you are looking for.
DeepSearch let you customize filters for all Biorecommender items and you can set how many filters you like (e.g. more TXT filter, country, institute or concept... to arrive at the best target you are looking for.