Search-Inside Author

Starting in April 2024, our platform introduces the capability to search within scientific papers. This powerful feature significantly enhances research efficiency by allowing users to pinpoint specific content across an extensive database of documents.
Key Points:
  • Conceptual and Authorial Filtering: Once a concept, institution, or author is selected, users can delve into all associated papers with ease. This facilitates focused research tailored to specific interests or fields of study.
  • Filter Integration: All set filters, including date ranges, will be automatically applied to text searches within papers. This ensures that search results are always relevant to the user's specific criteria.
  • Authorship Specificity: Users have the option to refine their search to include only those papers where the selected researcher is the lead author. This feature is particularly useful for excluding works where the researcher is a co-author, potentially from different countries, thereby narrowing down the search to the most relevant papers.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: With the new reporting feature, users can now export all filtered data into a consolidated report. This functionality is ideal for those seeking to compile detailed research findings or data sets.
Furthermore, the text filter enables users to conduct granular searches across ALL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS.
As you type, the system dynamically filters the content, displaying only the relevant documents.
These filtered results are also reflected in the generated reports, ensuring that all extracted information is precisely aligned with the user's search parameters.

press this button to generate the report