If you are a bioreagent producer, you can certainly use Biorecommender for direct sales and customer interactions. However, the most powerful feature we offer is the integration of our recommendation system into your daily sales and marketing tools, such as CRM, ERP, or even Excel.
When you receive a customer request, Biorecommender can automatically suggest the most relevant products, enhancing your sales and marketing efficiency. This seamless integration helps you better understand and fulfill your customers' needs.
Customer is asking for SKU #1,#2,#3
1 API "translate" your SKU into a geneID
2 API send the request to the neural network
3 API send back the geneID or your SKUs
4 Produce a doc to send to customer
When you receive a customer request, Biorecommender can automatically send an encrypted request to our AI server via API. The API processes the genes through the neural network and returns the results. You will receive a list of recommended genes and corresponding SKUs. You can then generate a document to send to the customer, detailing the genes and SKUs. This seamless integration helps streamline your sales and marketing processes.
How the Ai recommendation system is working?