
Ai Tools

Thanks to the proprietary neural network of theProphetAi, we give Artificial Intelligenge recommendation based on some input genes.
The neural network is based on a total extraction of all pubmed of important information, like genes, diseases, chemicals, inserted into the neuralnetwork, and like ChatGPT we calculate the minimun distance to one gene to another, after a deep-learning trainin based on the human Medical research knowledge (PubMed, MedLine etc)
In case of Author section, the first recommendation is based on the publisged gene of the author, better if a recent date is set so we can have a recent gene list .
If you press the AI tool itself, you can instead set up your own recommendation list:
Ai tools empty
Add your genes using the dropdoen menĂ¹, presumibly these are genes a customer or a cluster of customers bought
Ai tools phase1
Adding the genes, and optionally one or more diseases, on the right the list of recommended genes.
 ai tools