Institution-Based Search

1. Institution Selection: Begin typing part of an institution's name to generate a list of matching entries. Select the institution that aligns with your interest.
2. Initial Filtering: With an institution selected, you can now apply filters based on concepts and publication dates. This will produce a list of researchers whose work corresponds to your selected criteria, sorted by the number of publications.

Refining Your Search
Concept Filtering: You have the option to refine your search further by applying additional concept filters. This will update the list of researchers to only those who match the new set of criteria.
Date Filtering: Modify the publication date range by entering a new start date. The list of researchers will adjust to reflect works published after the specified date.

These features enable a highly targeted approach to finding researchers and their works based on specific institutional affiliations, concepts, and publication timelines, facilitating in-depth academic exploration and potential collaborations.
When you click on a researcher, Biorecommender show the complete profile of the researcher and you are back to the author section.